Saturday, March 20, 2010

Be Clear, Be Very Clear

If you can't explain what you stand for, how can you expect anyone else to listen to you, buy your product or idea or be persuaded by anything you say.

Here's an example. Politics aside, You know where the Tea Party is coming from. They think the government has become too big and wants too much of your money. Clear, understandable. You can agree or disagree, but there it is.

On the other hand, the Coffee Party vision is mushy and vague. They say they want more representative government. Fine, but what does that mean. Do they think that we have too many lawyers and not enough factory workers. in Washington? Not clear and not precise.

What about you? Can people easily understand what your business is about or what you stand for?

See if you can come up with three points that clearly explains your work or your life or what ever you're trying to communicate.

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